The Curse Of Being A Follower

The Curse Of Being A Follower 

Written by M 

I am the shadow to your light,
The foot print to your stride,
A delicate trail of perfume,
A path in which I abide.

I am a bruise from a fight, 
The night sky to your stars,
A fallen leaf to your tree,
Hidden are my scars.

I am the bullet to your gun,
The wind to your sails, 
A pride to its lion,
You won’t hear my wails.

I am never far away,
Yet feel so far behind,
By your side I always stay,
Absent from your mind.

Hey Guys!

So I wrote this poem on what I imagine it's like to be a follower. I consider myself to be more of a leader, but I do have a ton of respect for people who lean more towards following. It is important to learn both how to lead and to follow- I contiually struggle with finding the right balance between the two. 

Thanks for reading! 

Molly xoxo 

Instagram @mollysavestheday
